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Attività 2017

EPRID — European Platform on Religious Intolerance and Discrimination

LARSN-­‐Conference 2017
Prof. Antonio Fuccillo (Università degli Studi della Campania, Italy), ‘Law and Religion in the Legal Systems: a Frame for Implementing Intercultural Relationships’

Programma:LARSN Conference 2017


Il Prof. Antonio Fuccillo, la Dott.ssa Ludovica Decimo, la Dott.ssa Angela Valletta, il Dott. Francesco Sorvillo hanno partecipato alla “Ex Nihilo Zero Conference” organizzato da “European Academy of Religion 2017” e dalla “Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII” a Bologna (Italia), con una relazione su “The meaning of religion in the religious arbitration courts”.

Programma: Ex Nihilo Zero Conference


Prof. Antonio Fuccillo (Universita’ Della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” Naples)
“The Courts and the Code: Legal Osmosis between Religion and Law in the Cultural Framework of Civil Law Systems”
Di seguito la locandina (.pdf): Locandina(law-as-religion-conference-schedule)

– The Courts and the Code. Legal osmosis between religion and law in the cultural framework of civil law systems (slide)

– Paper presentation